"Seriously. Do these jokers think we are all complete idiots?"
This is a great "total observation" piece!
A must read from beginning to end

April 9, 2011
By Mike Adams
(NaturalNews) The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats want to spend us into oblivion while the Republicans only want to spend us into purgatory. The idea of actually running a balanced budget has never seriously occurred to either party. Government, after all, increases its popularity by confiscating money from some people and redistributing it to other people while keeping at least half of all that money for itself.
The whole fiasco became perfectly clear over the last few hours when, after days of intense haggling and late-night negotiation sessions, the Republicans and Democrats suddenly came to an agreement that would keep the government up and running for another week. And what does that agreement entail? Drop-in-the-bucket cuts of a mere $38.5 billion (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/09/u...) out of a federal budget that has now ballooned to over $6 trillion dollars for 2011 (http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/...).
The federal deficit for 2011 alone will be $1.6 trillion. To put all this in perspective, if federal spending for 2011 were the length of a football field, the $38.5 billion in budget cuts amount to less than two linear feet. It's sort of like saying we need to score a touchdown in order to save America, but the best the Republicans and Democrats can negotiate is starting us out on the one yard line in our own back field! (To use a sports metaphor...)
Here's another way to look at it: Read More