January 7, 2012
By Bruce Walker
American Thinker
On January 2, Alan Colmes on Fox News mocked presidential hopeful Rick Santorum and Santorum's wife for bringing their critically ill newborn son, Gabriel, into the world and then bringing him home. Gabriel died 16 years ago, and Karen Santorum wrote a heartrending book, Letters to Gabriel, which describes how the couple dealt with the grief of his death. Mother Teresa wrote the foreword for the book.
Although Colmes has quickly retreated from his remarks, his crudeness shows how the left really thinks. When Sarah Palin brings Trig, a child with Down Syndrome, into the world, and he is cherished and loved, the left spins its head -- why not just waste the kid before he was born? This mockery did not end with the 2008 campaign: Family Guy in 2010 made fun of Trig, and in April, another leftist goon mocked the young child on his third birthday. The left's heart of darkness is so dreadful that appalling bile seems normal to its minions until normal, moral people object.
Less noticed in the Fox News interview is Colmes's statement that Santorum is crazy also because he thinks that consensual sex between unmarried people is wrong. What offends Colmes and the left seems to be adherence to the traditional moral values of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and most of the world's historic metaphysical value systems. Santorum has not said that fornication is as great a sin as adultery, but he believes that sex should be confined within a marriage.
Does the left grasp just how much human misery it has caused by promoting the chic fashion of promiscuity? Do its disciples not grasp the horrors of the sexual revolution -- the millions of abortions, huge subsets of America's babies born out of wedlock, a huge rise in sexually transmitted diseases, and the general collapse of the nuclear family? Read More