Wednesday, February 02, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
(NaturalNews) Federal Judge Roger Vinson ruled this week that the "individual mandate" portion of Obama's health care reform was unconstitutional, dealing a significant blow to the Obama administration's desire to force government-run health insurance on the entire U.S. population. Department of Justice spokespeople reacted with a sense of twisted desperation, calling Judge Vinson's decision "judicial activism" as if he were inventing new law. In reality, of course, Judge Vinson merely ruled to protect existing law as written in the United States Constitution.
Three years ago, even President Obama would have agreed with Judge Vinson's decision. In arguing against the idea of an individual mandate in government-run health insurance, President Obama said in 2008, "If a mandate was the solution, we can try to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house."
Obama's quote demonstrates the ludicrousness of the federal government requiring people to buy certain products or services in order to solve what the government perceives as a problem. If the government is allowed to dictate commercial behavior by forcing citizens to purchase things they don't want to purchase, then it won't be long before Washington starts forcing everybody to buy a U.S.-made automobile each year to support the auto industry... or pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other products and services the government wants to push onto the people. Read More