Monday, March 7, 2011

NRA: The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico

Brasscheck TV
March 7, 2011
… and the lies designed to demonize YOUR guns

Yesterday we reported that the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) has been caught red-handed actively aiding criminals in the illegal export of firearms (including 50 caliber rifles!) from the US to Mexican drug gangs.

At least one of these ATF-facilitated weapons turns out to have been used to murder a US border patrol agent.

Gun store owners warned the ATF about what was going on.

They were ignored.

ATF agents on the ground warned their superiors.

They were told to “shut up” and follow orders and that the orders came from the top, straight from Bushbama’s Department of Justice.

So what exactly did these government criminals have in mind when they enabled the flow of US weapons to Mexico?

Well, if you’ve been listening to Osama Bushbama and his fellow anti-2nd amendment nuts over the last few years, they’ve been singing the song that: “90% of the guns that criminals in Mexico have come from the US.”

There’s just one problem with that story: It happens to be a straight up lie.

But it looks like Bushbama & Company have been doing their best behind the scenes to make it so by ordering ATF agents in the field (via the Department of Justice) to stand down and let illegal weapons exports flow unimpeded to Mexico.

Here’s the all-important back story that no one is connecting to this scandal. (From our friends at 2nd Amendment TV)

Connecting the dots…