Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama's Puddles

"Potholes are numerous along the royal route from Chicago, and new ones are dug whenever Obama speaks without his loyal teleprompter."

"As Obama's policies continue to nudge America in its slide down the slippery slope of unequal application of the law and into the sinkhole of unsustainable spending, the media and elites will someday cease laying down their cloaks over the path of The One, probably beginning with the murky puddle of his past. Whether from weariness, or the realization that no amount of fabric could possibly stretch far enough, remains to be seen."

March 18, 2011
By Cindy Simpson

Sir Walter Raleigh, so the legend goes, once threw his cloak over a mud puddle that sullied the path of Queen Elizabeth I. His chivalrous gesture served to keep Her Majesty's dainty feet free of dirt and to shield the ugly puddle from the Queen's and her loyal subjects' view. Although such gallantry is rarely seen today, we witness a similar display of devotion as the media fawns and covers for the present ruler of Camelot.

Jack Cashill, author of the recently-released Deconstructing Obama, noted that while the liberal media have protectively and selectively reported every step of this President, conservatives have also "created a firewall around the White House and serve as something of a Republican Guard for its chief inhabitant."

Deconstructing offers substantial arguments that it was not Obama, but a domestic terrorist from his neighborhood, Bill Ayers, who wrote Dreams From My Father. If Cashill's description of Obama's authorship puddle gains the publicity it deserves, it should create such a splash that even the mainstream media cloak could not cover the effect on Obama's reelection prospects.  Read More