Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Retaking of America

And What You Can Do To Help

March 12, 2011
By John Sutherland

That our country and its federal government have been taken over by anti-American and unlawful forces should no longer be a surprise to anyone who has been alert and who has been paying attention to current events. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has a brilliant interview in which he points out many of the destructive activities that have occurred and are still occurring to the detriment of our country by members of our own government.[1] As Dr. Roberts so clearly points out, our government no longer believes it is answerable to our laws or to our people, and this attitude, being observed as it is by the people, causes great stress among all of us. In our country, the people have always supported the government, but we must now observe that our government is treating us as its enemy through the use of denial of justice for the people, the militarizing of the community police, the double standard of the executive branch whereby government figures no longer feel required to obey our laws, the use of totalitarian techniques to deny the God given rights that were once supported by government, the rapid destruction of our economy and our money system, etc. The government no longer serves the people – it controls the people. A careful re-read of our own Declaration of Independence,[2] or the South Carolina Declaration of Causes,[3] shows us that we are today faced with the same tyranny we complained about just prior to our first War for Independence and our War Between the States. However, this time around, and for a second time in our history, our enemy is not 3,325 miles away – it is on our own shores, in Washington, DC.  Read More