April 6, 2011
By Kurt Nimmo
Skyrocketing gold, silver, oil and other commodity prices, a brazen attempt by the Federal Reserve to monetize a staggering and deleterious debt, a precipitously falling dollar, creeping inflation – these are elements of a “big event,” Ron Paul told Alex Jones on Tuesday.
“It’s huge, and it has started,” Paul said, and it may be identified as such within 30 days. “I believe it is the beginning… you and others have been talking about commodity prices going up.” The Texas Congressman noted that even the former boss of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, has warned about out of control inflation.
“A necessary condition for long-term unemployment is low inflation,” Greenspan said recently. “If the Fed does its job and stabilizes the inflation rate, that’s the maximum that the central bank can do.”
Greenspan failed to mention the fact that when the Federal Reserve prints a new fresh new batch of fiat paper money, it unleashes a devastating round of inflation. Quantitative Easing initiated by the Fed is just that – cranking up the printing machines. It created $600 billion out of thin air to purchase Treasuries and another nearly $300 billion for mortgage-backed securities. Pumping all that money into the economy is an engine for creating inflation. Read More