I don’t trust until I verify. Turn on your truth-detector.
Wake up. No one is looking out for you."

May 6, 2011
Coach Dave Daubenmire
I take no pleasure in saying this, but I don’t believe it.
It is a sad state of affairs that we have reached the point where you can’t believe anything you hear. In fact, you can’t even believe what you see.
Call me whatever name you want to, ridiculing me won’t shut me up. The truth is you just can’t believe it any more.
It, you say. What is it?
Everything…anything…you just can’t believe it anymore. Modern-day America is just one big pack of lies, told by a cadre of liars.
I’m sorry…whatever it is…I don’t believe it.
How about you? Do you believe them? Do you believe the malarkey they are trying to feed us?
I’m not sure which makes me angrier…the lying…or them thinking I am dumb enough to believe the lies.
That’s why I have adopted a new position; A variation of Ronald Reagan’s “Trust but verify” philosophy.
I don’t trust until I verify. That’s my new motto. Read More