July 11, 2011
The Blaze
Glenn Beck was given a unique opportunity on Monday while visiting Israel: he delivered a rousing speech before the Jewish version of congress, called the Knesset.
“Where you go, I shall go, Your people is my people, your God is my God,” Beck said, quoting the book of Ruth while addressing the Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee.
“As a man who also worships the one God, in the times that we live in, it is clear that what is going on is God’s work. If we are silent, evil will win. But if we stand up and take charge, God will do the rest,” he added, according to the Jerusalem Post.
He also encouraged members to reach out to those of other faiths:
“If you go to a synagogue, reach out to a church. If you go to a church, reach out to a JCC. Say, will you watch this with me? After that we’ll talk and eat and get to know one another.”
The Post highlights some of Beck’s main points, which may sound familiar to some of his regular listeners:
1) The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about destruction of Israel and the west.
2) Anti-semitism is going to go through the roof. When these conditions appear, it’s always the Jews fault. It’s not about the holocaust, (that’s) just the latest in a string of events thousands of years. Holocaust is just the one they made a movie about. It was the same way all the time.
3) The world is about to change, so think differently. Everything you thought you can count on, forget about it, (and) create new systems.
4) The truth shall set you free.
He also went on to recount his recent trip to Auschwitz, using it as an opportunity to praise the Jewish people.
During the trip, which Beck is taking ahead of his August 24 “Restoring Courage” event in Israel, he received a warm welcome from Israeli politicians as well as from at least one local supporter who went to great ends to show support for Beck. .
“(I am) glad to host a friend of the State of Israel,” Knesset member Danny Danon (Likud) told his colleagues. “Usually we don’t clap here in the Knesset, but maybe we can do that at the end.”
“Glenn Beck has a lot of experience with putting facts on the table… if we didn’t have someone like Glenn Beck we would have had to invent someone like him,” he added.
But besides receiving praise from Danon, Beck recalled another message delivered by a supporter in a unique way. While talking about the trip during his radio show Monday, he explained that one person unfurled a welcome banner from atop a crane.
“The left is scared, rightfully so,” it said. “Welcome Glenn Beck.”