July 7, 2011
By Lloyd Marcus
My fellow Americans, in regard to the U.S. presidency, please tell me we are over "the black thing." Can we move past race and gender and simply elect the best American for the job?
Due to liberal media manipulation and guilt, America elected an incompetent black guy as leader of the free world to prove that we are not racist. Obama's black skin has made him untouchable, the left's dream tool to further their socialist agenda. Once America gets over "the black thing", will the liberal media demand we elect Hilliary to prove we are not sexist?
How long will it be before the liberal media demands that we elect our first openly gay/lesbian president to prove that we are not homophobic?
I believe that the novelty of a black guy in the White House is over -- been there, done that, got the historic Obama (false) Hope & Change t-shirt.
I hereby proclaim the season of Presidential Affirmative Action over! Read More