Chicago radio host says Breitbart’s death was a warning shot and that others are in danger
March 7, 2012
By Paul Joseph Watson
Contrary to today’s release of edited and seemingly innocuous footage that shows Barack Obama making a speech at Harvard in 1991 and has already been in the public domain for years, Chicago radio host Erich “Mancow” Muller told the Alex Jones Show today that his friend Andrew Breitbart had in fact planned to release information that would “destroy Barack Obama” on March 1st, hours after his untimely death.
Muller said he was speaking with Breitbart “every other day” about a TV show he had lined up on a major network on which Breitbart would make regular appearances in a segment called “Breitbart predicts”.
“The house of cards is coming down, I have information that will destroy Barack Obama, it’s over,” Muller says Breitbart told him, and that the information would be released March 1st.
“Everybody feels the same way, that this guy was murdered,” said Muller, who attended Breitbart’s funeral yesterday. Muller pointed to the fact that Breitbart’s death was explained as “natural causes” by the media within hours before any kind of cursory investigation had been conducted.
“The guy goes for a walk in the middle of the night, he’s about to launch a big website, he’s about to bring down the house of Obama, and he’s dead,” said Muller. Read More