July 17, 2012
American Thinker
By James Lewis
American candidates for president have a predictable trajectory. They begin by telling the party troops that they are really coming from the honest-to-gosh right or left, and then they move steadily toward the great fuzzy middle, so that by election time they end up sounding like Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee.
But Obama has been going off the standard script -- most recently by attacking capitalism in radical terms. Namely, "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."
Democratic senators are reportedly "horrified" by Obama's behavior.
Last week, an Obama surrogate was accusing Mitt Romney of being a felon.
This is a new low in presidential hardball politics -- at least since LBJ accused Barry Goldwater of wanting to explode nuclear weapons on little girls picking daisies.
Ben Shapiro of Breitbart reports the following Obama transcript: Read More