July 19, 2012
American Thinker
By William L. Gensert
Barack Obama is the worst thing to happen to America in my lifetime. Yet he lacks the work ethic and intellectual rigor necessary to destroy us -- despite actions which are purposely malevolent or moronically unintentional.
He has forced his will upon us through:
Legislative chicanery -- the abomination of ObamaCare.
Policy excess -- Dodd-Frank financial reform, which reforms nothing but makes it impossible for business to borrow and citizens to get mortgages.
Crony capitalism -- the green energy roach motel, where our money goes in, but nothing ever comes out, except for Obama campaign bundlers, with bundles for his campaign.
Executive orders and regulatory fiat -- the war on fossil fuels and small business.
Disastrous policy preferences -- resulting in the destruction of the economy, lower employment, decreasing freedom, and a tenuous, less prosperous future for our children.
After three and a half years of the dismal, abysmal slow-motion implosion, the ship of state is certainly damaged and debased. Yet rumors of our demise are premature. Destruction of the nation is still beyond his reach -- and it always will be.
I'm not sure that Obama's intent has been to destroy America -- more likely, he wants to remake the country in his own image, ignorant that who he is is not what we aspire to be. Yet even if his intentions were indeed bad, as a faux great man (or is it a great faux man), accomplishing this task is simply not within the scope of Obama's "brilliance."
You see, America is blessed.
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