Monday, April 22, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
(NaturalNews) Throughout human history, most slavery has been enforced physically -- with whips and chains. You either did what you were told or they beat you into submission.
Most modern people mistakenly believe slavery has been largely eradicated across our world. They don't see people shackled in chains or being ordered what to do by their owners. Modern culture no longer accepts overt slavery, right? ...Or does it?
As it turns out, slavery is alive and well on our planet, and its shackles are made of numbers, not steel. Those who are enslaved under this new system are people who fail to understand simple math: numbers, compounding interest, loans, investments and so on. You show me a person who can't do math, and I'll show you someone who functions as a slave to the system.
In this article, I show you how to escape mathematical slavery and live as a free person. But first, you need to understand how mathematical slavery really works. Read More