June 15, 2012
"Obama, after all, agrees with all of Bush's key policies: expanding the police state, destroying the Bill of Rights, waging American imperialism across the world, running secret prisons, accelerating the national debt, bailing out the corrupt banksters and gutting America's working middle class."
(NaturalNews) Obama's "chemical weapons" claims against Syria are woven from the same fabric as Bush's "weapons of mass destruction" claims against Iraq. That fabric is, of course, fiction. Neither claim has any basis in reality, but they make a great story that can be spoon-fed to the American people by CNN, the Comedy News Network.
The story CNN won't tell you, however, is that Obama has chosen to arm -- who else? -- al-Qaeda, the very group that Bush said flew the airplanes into the twin towers on 9/11, resulting in the creation of DHS and the TSA (yippee!) as well as the Patriot Act that gave rise to many of the surveillance abuses we're seeing today from the NSA.
"US says it will arm Syrian rebels," blares The Guardian. This is after the U.S. government claims it detected chemical weapons being used in Syria -- a claim with absolutely no basis in fact. This is nothing more than a modern-day "Bushism" being resurrected under Obama.
And who are these Syrian rebels, exactly? They're working with al-Qaeda!
"Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda," blares a Detroit Free Press headline. The New American chimes in with, "President Obama OKs Shipment of Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria."
So now it's in your face, you see: Obama is arming terrorists. Not just any terrorists, but THE terrorists that Bush claimed justified the rise of the entire U.S. police state reach-down-your-pants spy grid security theater apparatus. Isn't it now obvious that the U.S. government runs al-Queda, 1984-style, to make sure America always has a boogeyman to invoke when justifying the destruction of civil rights and individual privacy?
To fight terrorism, we will arm the terrorists
Meanwhile, the American people, as befuddled as ever, can't seem to come to grips with the fact that Obama, much like Bush, is quite literally arming the very terrorist group that he claims the U.S. police state security apparatus was constructed to fight.
Why do we need Gitmo and other secret military prisons? To "fight terrorists!" Why do we need the NSA spying on us all, reading our emails and listening to our phone calls? To "fight terrorists!" Why do we need the TSA reaching down our pants at the airport? To "fight terrorists!" And who is Obama now sending heavy weapons to in Syria? The terrorists!
It's all blatantly ridiculous at this point, and Obama's transformation into Bush is now complete. Obama, after all, agrees with all of Bush's key policies: expanding the police state, destroying the Bill of Rights, waging American imperialism across the world, running secret prisons, accelerating the national debt, bailing out the corrupt banksters and gutting America's working middle class.
While all this is going on, the American people are told to swallow one insane lie after another: Al-Qaeda is your enemy! No, wait, they're our friends! Terrorists shouldn't have weapons... but wait! Now let's arm the terrorists! The enemy is now patriots, veterans and anyone who cites the Constitution! Let's declare war on veterans while arming al-Qaeda!
This is the kind of insanity you're being subjected to on a daily basis by CNN, NPR, MSNBC and other purveyors of bewildering blather. Only a complete fluoride-headed zombie could buy into the false narratives and the never-ending "mental whiplash" head games being played by the White House. Because in addition to all this nonsense that makes Obama look nearly identical to Bush, we've also got the added bonuses of an IRS that intimidates and oppresses conservative groups, a DOJ that runs guns into Mexico while secretly wiretapping journalists, an NSA that spies on all your electronic activities including phone calls and emails, plus the dark skin pigmentation of the President which somehow allows the leftist media to stupidly label anyone who doesn't agree with Obama's actions a "racist."
Obama, in other words, has actually become worse than Bush. No wonder even left-leaning Ralph Nader, a champion of unions and socialist-leaning policies recently asked, "Has there [ever] been a bigger con man in the White House than Barack Obama?"
Certainly not when it comes to plunging the nation into an inescapable cycle of debt that will sooner or later implode in all our faces. On that front, Obama has beat Bush at his own game, taking America from a "mere" $9 trillion in debt to an ear-popping $16 trillion in national debt in less than five years. Read More