Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Political Psychology- Liberals Making Moral Amercans Infidels

December 28, 2010
Political Psychology
By Deborah C. Tyler

To understand why liberals have lost the presumption of decency in Americans -- after all, they're constantly calling us racists, bigots, homophobes, xenophobes, religious clingers, and stupid -- you need look no farther than the American Psychological Association (APA). For the last sixty years, the APA has been cooking up an atheist/humanist vision that contradicts traditional American faith and values -- and using the banner of science to do it.

An earlier article for American Thinker, "Profiling the Psyclops," looked at the philosophy underlying the APA's mission to "re-norm" America to atheistic/humanistic values. This article looks at one way in which the APA is trying to implement that mission.  Read More