Saturday, February 19, 2011

War between international socialist labor unions and the taxpayers

Without labor unions, there is no democrat party
February 18, 2011
By J.B. Williams

Democrats and their labor unions have painted themselves into a corner that they will not be able to escape. Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and other states are about to eliminate public sector unions and collective bargaining rights for state employees and not a moment too soon.

The assembly votes are coming down party lines and the reason is glaringly obvious. Without labor unions and the billions they pour into the Democrat Party, there will be NO Democrat Party.

Iceland, Greece, the EU nations and even the Middle East are in some stage of economic meltdown, all of it due to public sector over-spending mostly caused by the collective thuggery of international socialist labor unions. America is no exception, with most states considering the bankruptcy option to get out from under unsustainable public sector union contracts and unfunded pensions.  Read More