Saturday, March 12, 2011

The failure of Boehner to kill hidden ObamaCare funding

The Disgraceful Wimps and Putty Balls

Posted by The Right Scoop on Mar 11, 2011

Rush explains why the Republican leadership has been rejecting the push to kill the 105 billion that was hidden in ObamaCare for the sole purpose of funding it. The bottom line is that he believes that it’s not that they are power hungry uncaring hacks, but that the Republican leadership is too afraid of a government shutdown:

While Rush may be right on the reasoning behind their tepidness, the problem is that if this funding doesn’t get killed then ObamaCare will grow much larger roots into our health care system and will become much harder to rip out. Republicans should be balls to the wall, using every method at their disposal to keep ObamaCare from being funded.

It’s like Steve King has been saying, Republicans didn’t take an oath to Senate rules but to the Constitution. We all witnessed how the Democrats force ObamaCare on America and even though I respect the new leadership for wanting to set a higher standard, Democrats played dirty getting this passed and we will need to get a little dirty ripping it out of the ground. So forget about the rules for a moment and do what’s right for America.

Of course we have a voice in this too which is why Levin started his Levin Surge last night:

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