Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Iranian government sees the current unrest in the Middle East as a signal of the Mahdi

‘The Coming is Near’: New Eerie Iran Propaganda Vid Trumpets Imminent Return of 12th Imam

March 29, 2011
The Blaze
By Jonathon M. Seidl

“New evidence has emerged that the Iranian government sees the current unrest in the Middle East as a signal that the Mahdi–or Islamic messiah–is about to appear.”

So begins an ominous report by CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck detailing a propaganda video reportedly “approved at the highest levels of the Iranian government.“ That video explains ”all the signs are moving into place — and that Iran will soon help usher in the end times.”

Regular Beck viewers may know the Mahdi by another name, the twelfth imam — a term not lost to Stakelbeck, who writes thattThe new video “describes current events in the Middle East as a prelude to the arrival of the mythical twelfth Imam or Mahdi — the messiah figure who Islamic scriptures say will lead the armies of Islam to victory over all non-Muslims in the last days.”

Stakelbeck reports, and includes excerpts from the video called “The Coming is Near:”

Joel C. Rosenberg, interviewed in the CBN piece, has been a guest writer on The Blaze. As part of our series “Understanding Egypt,” he wrote:  Read More