Saturday, April 23, 2011

Will It Be Goodbye for John Boehner?

"Americans are tired of the rhetoric and games from Republicans and Democrats. It is time to put our house in order, or to change the team in charge."

April 23, 2011

By Floyd Brown

John Boehner will be writing his own political obituary if he capitulates again to Barack Obama and raises the debt ceiling of the U.S. government.

Boehner says he wants to cut spending, but he will be exposed as a liar if he increases the debts currently smothering our economy. This issue is very clear, and Americans understand this crisis because so many of us have faced similar financial difficulties ourselves. We know what it means to have spent more than we can afford.

America cannot continue to feast on an orgy of credit and spending. Easy money given to the political establishment is the cause of the current crisis. George Bush spent more money than was prudent or necessary, and Barack Obama has doubled down. The debts are greater than $14 trillion. How much debt will be enough?

The scare-mongering by the media and power elites should be ignored. If we don’t extend the debt ceiling, America need not default on current debts. Quite the opposite is true. If we continue to increase our debts we are moving minute by minute closer to a future default. No debtor improves his situation by increasing borrowing.  Read More