Friday, January 21, 2011

Rush talks on Obama's missing birth certificate

Posted by therightscoop on Jan 21, 2011 in Politics

Rush spent nearly his entire first segment talking about a story he’s been sitting on all week. He say she wanted to see what happened to it before he weighed in on it. I’ve gotten emails on it myself but I’ve pretty much ignored it. The story is the case of Obama’s missing birth certificate.

The new Hawaii Governor, who vowed to end this birth certificate conspiracy, now claims that he can’t find it in the archives. There’s only a notation that it exists, but no actual birth certificate. Rush says that something is certainly not right about this story, but he believes that it may just be more trickery to get the birthers all worked up.

In the segment following this one (which is not included in the video), he made the point that they have someone on record in 2008 vouching for Obama, saying that they actually saw it. And now the Hawaii Governor can’t find it? He warns of deception and trickery here.  Read More and Listen