Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Obama Will Not Say at the SOTU

January 25, 2011
By John Fricke

The annual take-a-stab guessing game of what any president will say at the State of the Union address is now on. If I might, I would like to play the other side of that card. Here is what President Obama will not say in his SOTU speech.

-- That he has heard the American people clearly. That he understands the concerns about government-run health care. That he knows now that liberals forcing a government takeover of the health care system threatens serious economic problems and worse threatens individual liberties.

-- That forcibly making individuals buy a product is un-American. That all Americans do have access to health care; it's just that some cannot afford health insurance.

-- That our national debt is, in fact, a crisis and a national security issue.

-- That printing money and spending it lavishly on Democratic political interests and even on himself through parties, vacations, and golf was wrong.

-- That his party's polities overseeing Fannie and Freddie were, in fact, the core problem in the housing crisis. That government-ordered housing for all is a massive failure.

-- That government takeovers of private companies are problematic, to the tune of socialistic.  Read More