Friday, February 11, 2011

State Sovereignty Resolution Introduced in PA Senate

Jim Vetter, Pennsylvania Tenth Amendment Center

The Pennsylvania Senate introduced a State Sovereignty Resolution (SR9) at the beginning of the 2011 Legislative Session. This bill was introduced under the leadership of Senators Folmer, Robbins, M. White, Orie, Erickson, Alloway, Ward, Rafferty, Brubaker, Eichelberger, Waugh, Argall, and Earll.

The goal of the bill is to strongly re-assert State Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The resolution articulates solid constitutional language. The introduction starts with a recitation of the 10th amendment and then goes on to detail current conditions and overreach by the Federal Government. The resolution explicitly acknowledges the Compact Theory relationship between the States and the Federal government and sovereign State status. The resolution then strongly ends with the following resolutions:  Read More