Friday, March 18, 2011

Qadaffi's Chicago Connection

"Obama's reticence to act against Qaddafi may involve some old ties that bind."

"Perhaps the mutual admiration has its roots in Obama's Hyde Park neighborhood replete with old friends Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. This is the same Farrakhan who called candidate Obama the "Messiah" and who spoke numerous times at Reverend Wright's church while the Obama family listened for 20 years."

March 18, 2011
By M. Catharine Evans

Two belated weeks after the Libyan people rose up against a brutal dictator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finally stated that "Qadaffi must go." Prior to the demand for the "mad dog of the Middle East" to leave Libya, Obama issued a lackluster statement with no mention of the leader's name; only a humdrum "Let me be clear. The change that is taking place is being driven by the people."

Now almost a month later Susan Rice, ambassador to the U.N issued this statement:

We are discussing very seriously and leading efforts in the Council around a range of actions that we believe could be effective in protecting civilians.

The U.S. view is that we need to be prepared to contemplate steps that include but perhaps go beyond a no-fly zone.

Weak-willed? Indecisive? Maybe not. In this case, not to act is to act and Obama's inertia is clearly beneficial to Qaddafi. So why is the colonel getting a pass from Obama?  Read More