Friday, March 18, 2011

Real World Solutions To Economic Tyranny

"By separating ourselves from the system, we diminish it, make it weak."

March 18, 2011

Neithercorp Press – 09/16/2010
By Giordano Bruno

It’s inevitable. Every person who endeavors to understand the nature of economy, central banking, fiat currency, Globalism, and elitism in our culture, every man who is truly honest with himself, comes to the same logical conclusion; the system we toil in, the system we tolerate out of habit day to day, is not only failing, it is designed to fail. Knowing this fact is difficult. The potential consequences of the situation tend to bleed into every moment of our once conventional routine. We realize that there is no going back to the old apathetic ways of viewing our world; once awake we cannot again sleep, and because we have the truth in hand, truth which affects every living human being, we are also by default made responsible for the future. We are no longer spectators caught in the swift tides of history, but participants in history’s making. We become the levy builders and breakers. We contribute to the flow of events, as well as their outcome.

This insight then begs a change in our way of life, and leads to a single arduous question:

This insight then begs a change in our way of life, and leads to a single arduous question:

Now that we know there is a problem, what are we going to do about it?

While knowing the truth is a tremendous step for any person, it brings little comfort without a sense of direction. People need a defined course of action, a methodology, a way of contributing to the solution. The problem is that too many people sit and wait for the solution to present itself, or wait for others to take the lead, instead of going out and finding their own answers. I have often received responses to my past articles that sound like this:

“Ok, so we know the economy is on the verge of collapse and that the government is corrupt. When are YOU going to tell us what we can do about it? What are YOU going to do about it? When are WE going to rally together and force the elites out of power?”

These are the wrong questions. What they should be asking THEMSELVES is;

“What am I going to do about it? When am I going to decide to take actions that further the betterment of our future? When am I going to stop waiting for others to tell me what to do?”  Read More