Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why Eric Holder Deserves Life in Prison

And How Many Should Go With Him?

March 24, 2011

One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Entrusted to oversee that the laws of the land are administered justly, Eric Holder, the Attorney General for the United States, has so utterly failed that, in order to bring justice back to the Justice Department, each and every employee will have to be terminated, with many, as Holder, to spend the rest of their miserable lives locked up in a cage, to be kept away from law-abiding citizens forever. Never in the annals of jurisprudence has a complete disregard of the rights of others been so demonstrably ignored.

In case after case, the phrase “blatant contempt” hardly comes close to describing the disrespect that A.G. Holder holds for the oath he took to the Constitution. I never quite understood “hanging is too good for him” until Holder became A.G. Life in prison sounds just about right for scum like him. Holder would be with his own kind sharing a cell block with thieves and pedophiles. He took an oath and hasn’t kept it. The American people entrusted Holder to do a job and what he’s done is to make America a more violent place than it ever has been before.  Read More