Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ulsterman Report: Obama’s Birther Dilemma

"Perhaps Barack Obama, son of an African Marxist father and atheist liberal mother, pupil to a devoted American communist poet-community organizer, and longtime member of a race-based Black Liberation Theology church, is indeed a natural born American citizen."

April 7, 2011

By Ulsterman

Even as Barack Obama officially declares his intent to run for re-election as President of the United States, questions of his legitimacy are being raised in ever greater numbers – and rightfully so.

Let us cut to the core on this “Birther” issue shall we? As most within the media continue to either ignore, or offer up repeated defense in favor of Barack Obama’s constitutional qualification to run for President of the United States, some very simple facts persist that point to potentially troubling – perhaps even explosive, truths regarding the early history of Barack Obama.

Putting aside the rather colorful history of Obama’s far left radical atheist mother, who, according to Obama’s own story, struck up relations with an African born political radical/Marxist/atheist who, soon after Obama’s birth, returned to Africa. (Where he had already fathered and abandoned two earlier children when coming to America. It is likely Obama Sr. was still married to a woman in Africa at the time he married Barack’s mother Ann Dunham.) And let us also put aside the second prominent (and almost equally controversial) male figure in Obama’s life, his alcoholic stepfather Lolo Soetoro, a Muslim Indonesian government worker. And then we come to the grandparents – who, much like their free love 60’s daughter, embraced much of the goofy multi-cultural radicalism of the 1960’s and 70’s – a radicalism they firmly implanted in a young, insecure, and very impressionable Barack Obama. The Dunham’s, while living in Washington State, were enthusiastic members of the East Shore Unitarian Church, a far-left institution once led by admitted communist John Stenhouse. The Unitarian Church is noted for its far left ideology, support of socialist causes, environmentalism, and world government. Of course there is also the influence of Frank Marshall Davis, the Black communist who the Dunham’s decided would prove a strong male influence in the life of young Barack – an influence Barack himself would later openly acknowledge. Davis was a social-justice poet-author and member of the American Communist Party. (again – just ignore all of these details folks, just as the mainstream media has…nothing to see here…move along now…) The influence of Davis on Obama is undeniable. In the 1940s and 50s Davis became immersed in the Chicago labor movement, lending his services as a literary community organizer – the very path Barack Obama would later choose when he would relocate to Chicago from Hawaii. And what then of that Chicago arrival? Who was the defining male figure of influence for a still-young but rising star Barack Obama then? Why, none other than the Reverend Jeremiah Goddamn America!Wright, then-leader of Trinity Church in Chicago, an institution Barack Obama was a member of for some 20 years. A church that advocates what is known was Black Liberation Theology – a belief founded by James Cone in the following way:  Read More